Forward Thinking
Des Moines County Conservation adding land for public use.
July 20, 2014
Des Moines county Conservation director Chris Lee is as happy as a kid turned loose in a Toys R Us. Lee rightfully took pleasure in announcing to the board of supervisors last week that the final piece of the funding pie is in place for his department to purchase a 232-acre plot of ground on the north side of Burlington to create a natural habitat and, eventually, an Aldo Leopold interpretive Center.

Flint River Trail Bike Ride set Saturday
Riders may take a long route or a short one
June 6, 2014
Bike Burlington, Southeast Iowa Regional Planning Commission and Des Moines County Conservation will host a Flint River Trail Bike Ride on Saturday to celebrate National Trails Day. The event will include a short and long bike ride...

Des Moines County Conservation brings nature closer
Several preserves offer an opportunity to renew relationship with nature
March 2, 2014
Those who feel at one with nature hardly ever feel bereft because they feel enveloped and part of creation, a larger container but similar to the womb. Cultivating this relationship with Mother Nature is getting harder and more important...

Bike routes and trails program saved from budget cuts
Goal is to finish the 20-mile trail connecting Burlington's riverfront to Big Hollow
February 10, 2014
Burlington budget talks - what should be cut, how it will affect services, and how necessary are those services - brought bike routes and trails within scissors range Thursday...

Trail hits halfway point
Flint River Trail opens new 9-mile stretch as effort continues
October 10, 2013
It was a long time coming. After a decade of planning, fundraising, and a few setbacks, a significant portion of the eventual 20-mile Flint River Trail opened to the public during a ribbon-cutting ceremony Wednesday morning...

State allows bikes in Starr's Cave park
Board's move completes connection for Flint River Trail
July 28, 2012
The last piece of the puzzle finally fell into place Tuesday to complete the 20-mile-long Flint River Trail in Des Moines County, the longest hiking and biking trail in eastern Iowa...